Thursday, September 06, 2007

Kaytie and I! What a cutie we are. Anyways, I do miss hanging out with Kaytie. she is indeed a good sister to have-even if she does get on ya nerves at times. Kaytie and I both agree that if we weren't sisters, then we most likely wouldn't even be friends. We are so different from each other that we probably would have never even met. Her pick in friends are different than mine. But it's all cools.

Since I've came to MBBC- I've started to have more friends. Even if i don't hang out with them at all, we know each other somewhat. It is ever so easy to meet someone here- but it is ever so hard to become good friends with them all. That is why I only have a few friends here. But that is alright with me-i enjoy having a few friends. I don't have to be alot of friends to be happy. But it does feel good to walk around and people say hi to you- just because they know ya name. I don't know most of their names, so i just say Hi back.. hahaha.

I am ever so glad that Deanna is around. I don't get to hang out with her much- because we are doing our own thing alot and it is hard to catch her at times. Last weekend {as Jolene and I were walking to Ruthanna's} we ran into Deanna and a few of her friends Kersten and someone i dunnos}. That was pretty interesting and cool that we did. *grins*

College is ever so crazzie at times. There are people who is only serious all the time, and then there are people who are ever so crazzie {like me}. Here is Nathan Muse- in a play that i went to my Sophomore year. This play was about a crazzie family doing crazzie things- but they love each other that they stick together.. it was very cute and ever so funnie. I am sure that there will be loads of funnie plays going on this year too- which i would love to go {if i am not working that is....}
Stephen! A friend of mine. He is easy to pick on, yet loves to pick back one way or another. He loves working with kids- and is great with them. He is dating Debrah and has been for 3 years now. I was waiting for Jolene one day- and saw him sitting there waiting to Debrah- So i took a pic of him. Hopefully I can take more pics of my close friends {like Mary and Michelle..etc..--not Nathan muse, he isn't a close friend.. just a guy who is popular here. I think he graduated already or will be this year. Which is all cools}

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