Okies, so here is a picture of me standing by the bed in Jolene's room. I slept on top there, and yes-it was a blast climbing on there. It is mega high and mega scarey trying to get down. In the background, you can see Jolene's little teddy-bear {the white thing there}.. and Yes! I still do not remember giving it to her. But she told me that I did and that she remembers how i gave it to her, just I do not remember. Anyways- don't i look so cute!!? I found out that if i was to pull that sweater all the way down, it would look like i am not wearing a skirt that checks {Yes! It does go down to my knees.. so i can just wear that and it'll be checkable.. hahahaha}

Then, with me being here, i get to see this kind of picture from God very well. It sure does beat looking at the wunset with trees in the way or houses. Sometimes, when i am walking to the dorms after my night job, i can be able to see the stars. And being that it is Sept, my fav stars are out..YEAHHS {Ryan's Belt} Why is it my fav? I do not know why, but it is. I also like looking for the dippers {big or lil}.. mega cools! God is ever so good to us! :D Yeahs!! I am very blessing being able to see that in my life!
Babysitting was a blast!! Got to play around with the kids and listened to Ethan say his words {like camp, damp, lamp, pump...etc}, and I was able to ask Aaron some math questions {like 9-6, 8+5..etc..} After he got all those, we {Kevin and I} asked Aaron some harder questions {like 100+90-60+2-1+5... ya know.. just random things like that.. and he did get them all-well, not one.. but he was only off by 5}. I had a blast playing with the kids and making sure they were clean before it was bed time. Mrs. Mayes got back before 8:30, so i didn't have to put the kids to bed myself {she went and did that instead}. I went and folded my clothes and loved hearing kevin and Mrs. Mayes laughing at some picutres they have. I loved hearing family do that- and to know that they do get along {because there are some families whodo not get along at all.}. I am blessed that my family gets along {even tho it is hard to get to know someone.} But i guess it really doesn't matter anymore!

I love being away from home, but at the same time- i miss it. strange ah? well, it is true. I do miss having a big bed to sleep on, or having my own desk {without worrying if i am in someone's way}.. or being able to watch t.v. at times, or not having to have a paper due on a certain date- etc.... but it's alright. I do love it here {even tho i kinda don't wanna be here... if you know what i mean!} I am still looking around at other colleges- but i might end up staying here this coming semester and may just go to a different college next year. I am just not sure yet.. i mean, i want to be here- but at the same time i don't. I love the Biblical Counseling program here, and see that it will be very helpful for me later in life.. {So that is what i am looking at when i am looking at other colleges.. i see if they have a Biblical Counseling and if it's good!} So that is what is going on for now. :D HOLLA!!!!
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