Today is a great day to praise His name on high! This week has been ever so crazzie, but it is indeed alright. I was discouraged by a friend's wisdom that was spoken to me. But it is alright, i took it to heart {like i normally do with things}, and i prayed about it. In some ways they are right, but in others they are not. Because i am indeed a hard worker, and i am being myself wherever i am at. {So i haven't changed at all.} I am find with what they told me, but it just hurted when they told me.
Friday night, i was able to sleep at Gould dorm for the night and hang out with Jolene and Michelle. We played Settlers before Jolene and I went to work {i won.. yeahhhs}.. Then after work, we watched Peter Pan. 3am we were in bed. {I shall post a picture of me standing next to be bed.. and i was the one on the top.. HAHAHA!!}. Then I was up at 10 am for work.

Then i was busy with studing for a test that i have on Wednesday, and also making sure that my answeres were right {look it up in the book}.. I also made soem notecards up for a paper that is due soon. So i've been trying to get that started. It's just Crazzie! so much to do, and so little time. I am working 14-21 hours a week, plus having 4 classes, and loads of reading to do for those classes {not adding in the time that i need to do the papers that need for those classes}.. But it's alright. At least my Theology paper is due soon and my Doctrine paper is due later! So i don't have to work on them both right away. YEAHHS!!!!!!!!

I called home last night after work {being that we got done within an hour.. which is the fastest we were done, and it was before Jason was back from Farmtastic... so there were just 3 of us doing all of Old Main-OM- and the library.. so congrats to us!!} Turns out that they didn't send my coat yet- needless to say they didn't even put it in a box.. :( so i am freezing over here and i can't do anything about it. O-wells. Liz {My Prayer Captian-PC} brought my another blanket. I thought that was nice of her but odd because i don't need a blanket right now. {maybe when the snow hits i will need it the most..} I have 3 blankets that i use now, and another one i just leave on the other bed and grab that one whenever i need it. But being by the window will indeed get me cold. O-wells. it's all cools. I really don't mind it too much! It is indeed a bed and i can sleep at night {even if i have to have my head under the covers at times- to keep my nose warm--which keeps my body warm too if i am breathing in warm air instead of cold!}
Well- thats that for now.. I need to get some sleep before work tonight. :) So have a great and a wonderfully blessed day!
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