Elijah... born April 11th at 10:18pm in Juneau AK. 7lb 2oz and 20in. Handsome lil guy and very much loved and missed. He already spent a whole week with his new fam in GA..

Midwives told me that i pushed for 3 mins.. about 5-10mins after i had Elijah, mom came walking in. I had to have 30 stitches from a tear i had, and ended up telling jokes as the Dr. was stitching me up {i didn't take any drugs at all.. was just in a good mood-- after all, i just had the cutest and most dearest kid ever}.

I got to spend his 1st Easter with him, and surely enjoyed holding him in my arms the whole day. He has Juan's mouth, and nose and maybe tall genes.. He has my round face, eyes {maybe}, and hair. not sure about his ears.. He has strong lungs when he cries- he doesn't like having the cool air hit his skin-or his feet not being covered. But he surely is a good baby- doesn't cry much.. just drinks alot of milk and sleeps and poops. adoptive parents were amazed at that and even commented on it a few times.

I love Elijah and miss him.. i just want to hold him now and raise him up. I never wanted to give him away- but i know that this was whats best for him and i had to go through it..no matter how much it hurts. Who am i to tell God that i will not do His will? God has something special planed for Elijah-- i am excited to be able to see what it is.. I am glad that i can at least watch him grow up.. I love him!!
Thank you for your comment on our blog. We enjoyed reading about your story too. All birth moms are our heroes. They make such a hard selfless decision. Your baby is very lucky to have you for a mom. You gave him the gift of life. What greater gift is there? We hope you continue to find peace with your decision and feel the Savior's love for you.
Ariane and Zane
I found you through Zane and Ariane's blog as well...We've adopted both of our children and could not love our birth mothers more.
As I look at your pictures I just wish I could hug you and tell you how brave, how loved YOU are! And how you obviously love Elijah SO MUCH or you wouldn't have had the strength and courage to place him with a family who will love and cherish him.
Our families are not bound by blood unless it is the blood of Christ and in that case we are all brothers and sisters here to help one another, and love one another. We're looking forward to a huge reunion with Heavenly Father and our Big Brother. We hope our children will love and adore their birth mothers as we do for putting their needs ahead of her own.
No matter how hard to road, there are people on earth who love and admire you. I'm one of them!
Great job doing the difficult!!
And I meant to mention how beautiful Elijah is!!! He is an adorable little sack of sugar!! Yum, yum, yum.
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