I do love taking pictures.. Someday i shall get an awesome camera- much like the one Stephen has {which is WAY better than my digital camera...which is in TX now.. i think i lost it forever} It's all good- I am sure it has cat-hair in it by now.

I am ever Soooooo Happy now.. So I went to go help out at the last Awana program at church yesterday.. i got upstairs and the family was eating dinner. Jameson was like "WOW" as i came up.. and Jenice asked "Who's that?".. and Jameson said "Dayna".. YAYS!! 1st time he said my name.. He is finally starting to say more words.. yays!

So, giving birth about 3 1/2 weeks ago, I've lost 20lbs within the first 2 weeks..and have maintained it so far. Yays! I am planning on doing Tia-Boa soon... so maybe that'll help with my stomach issue--looks all nasty and even worst with the stretch marks. But each of those stretch marks was made with love and care. I do not regret any of them..just will not show anyone but my hubby {when i am married of course}.

So we had a week of SUNSHINE!! It was great.. i took the kids to the park alot, and we went for a walk to the bridge. We saw ducks there in the water.. and the kids enjoyed throwing rocks into the water. I just love the view- for surely when the sun is rising over there!! I'd take all the snow and rain for this view everyday.

Alaska is indeed an awesome place to live!! A frieng of mine saw Whales about 30feet from the boat as she was working {she works on the ferries here}.. The parents here are planning on buying a boat someday- they keep saying that they want to buy a yatch {sp} someday and go out on it over a weekend and bring me along.. And they even mentioned a few times about taking a vacation out to Scotland bc they know that i want to go there..and because they had their honeymoon there. Would be MEGA awesome if we did go.

So... i don't ever feed the kids food-- why? because they are too busy eating their socks... jk.. The joy of working with kids is that they do the silliest things..and when you can get it on camera, it makes for a great blackmail later in life... {like their gf or bf comes over, it's the best time to show them pics of your kid as a youngan.. haha}.

But then-again.. i am pretty crazzie too.. I enjoy playing around with the kids or just being silly. Today Delaney and I were sumersaulting and cart-wheeling in my apt. tons of fun... tho i wanted to throw the dog outside- being that she was excited about us playing around. Crazzie dog.. Heidi {dog} sure does love me, and is always trying to hang out in my apt. sometimes i don't even know she is sleeping on my couch until Daron comes in to get her. LOL.

Here's a pic of me wheni 1st started working here with Lil Jameson... This was just before i found out i was pregnant. WOW- time surely does fly. Jameson was just learning to crawl around everwhere... now he is walking all over the place and even climbing on things and testing his boundaries.. {like running to the street}.. Delaney just cries about this or that and says "i can't do it".. she is also getting into the "Why?" "Whats that?" stage. She is even asking some lame questions like "What is a dog?".. "umm.. what is Heidi??".. "a dog!".. "Well, there you go.." haha. Gotta love kids! thats all i can say..

So last weekend we went to the beach, and poor Jameson fell into the water.. He stopped crying once we got into the van and the dvd was playing. Crazzie cute kid! Before he fell- we saw dophins in the water. You don't get to see dophins in Det. besides at Sea-world. It was very awesome to watch them bob their heads up and down in the water.

So.. today after work, i went to the beach. There was a bon-fire going on with the college kids. As much as i "hang out" with them, i still feel left out. the only person i really got along with in the college class was Hans.... and he ended up leaving on a sad note. I also felt a connection with Charity when we 1st met.. but under the circumstances- i understand why she doesn't want to be friends. I guess because Colleen is good friends with Charity- that we haven't gotten close or hanged out outside of church. So i guess the next person i am closest to here would have to be Kjerstin.. and she is leaving for NY in Aug.. O-wells.. I'll always have the kids around and God and a blog and Stephen {to text with} and Scrapbooking and facebok and books each day. Gotta love life!!
Well... thats life today!! Maybe tomorrow will be something new-- maybe me being married with 3 kids and an awesome job with me doing scrapbooks for famous people {like Celine Dion--- which would be MEGA MEGA awesome if i could do her scrapbook for her.} Yeah- im a dork for 'liking' Celine {so what i know most of her songs!! haha} .
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