Last Sunday, Pastor Dave {my Youth group Pastor} came up to me after Sunday School. He asked me if I would be willing to on the Mission's trip as a Leader. I told him I would have to see when I get back from Joy's wedding. Joy's wedding is June 18th. Afterwards, all us 4 younger kids are going to Jayme's house in ILL. He has to work the Sat. morning. But the same day {Sat. June 24} is when the Mission Trip starts {they'll be leaving from the church at 5 am}. Jayme told me that He was going to see if he can switch his work hours with someone else. Boy do I hope he can. The youth group is going to Nebraska this year. {a small town just above Lincoln.} I think it'll be Super Great. I'll be able to get to know the teens a bit more, and be able to help Mrs. Anderson out a whole lot too.
Joy's wedding is just around the corner. My dress is being taitored {sp}. Yesterday Morning about 7 am - 8 am, Joy kept calling me. I was sleeping {because I had stood up the whole night during laundry for my mom and making sure it was empty for my dad}. I had about 10 Missed calls when I was able to get to my phone. Crazzie I tell you. But it's alright. I called Joy, and she only wanted to talk to Mom. {Because Mom wasn't answering her phone- which was in her purse, in the other room, and mom was falling asleep}. It's alright. My mom thought it would be a great idea to do a prank on Joy. It is going to be GREAT. It's better than the prank Jolene and I did to Heather's room {Btw, could I have a copy of the Pics you have of it, Heather?}.
I was flipping through the t.v channels yesterday for a little bit, and came across this one talk show {Ellen D.} She had danced around the audience and took two girl's purses and was going through them. She used one girl's phone to call the other girl's house to talk to the grandma. She ended up getting the answering michine and said something like this "Hi, I am ashamed of you, you would be home right now. I am not sure where you are, but I am here. Besides, It is time for the kids to go to bed. Sweet Dreams. and By the way, I am Ellen." I thought it was funnie because it was in the middle of the day when she was saying this.
For lunch, I made Ramen Noodles. I was just about to take a bite when I saw a car drove up to the house and was just sitting there for a little bit. a girl walked out and was walking to the house. It looked like my friend Ruth {Who is in FL right now working, and will not be home til late July.} But as I went outside, I notice it was my Terror Twin, April. April and I have been good friends since 7th grade. {Met outside the school as we waited to get in. We ended up having a computer class together, and she didn't want to believe me when I told her that I was crazzie.--She does now!!} Anyways, our 12 grade was different, because her mom and her moved south of Det, and so April went to a Different school. Prom night came, and my other friends buged me to go. I was thinking about going, then I thought better of it and told them that I wasn't going to go. So a friend of mine paid my way. So I ended up going. We all met at Mai's house {My locker partner in HS and good friend since 7th grade also- Met in drafting class.. Both of us ended up being partners in that class, and ended up being good friends.} April was at Mai's when I got there, and boy was I shocked to the bones. Prom was alright. We mainly just talked and had a good time. I had my mom do my hair for me, and it looked great, all curly {for once} and lovely. But before we got to the place, it rained and my hair wasn't curly anymore.. O-wells. It was fun just talking and what-nots with my friends. ... Sorry, off topic. Anyways, April and I walked up to the high-school and talked with some of the teachers {Kaytie joined in when we passed her on the street} It was great catching up a bit.
Kaytie and I had walked up to the store for a few things, and we ran into Robin. {an old friend we had when we were still in Elementry School. But we ended up growing apart because of the other friends we choosed}. We didnt' talk much, but she told me that she has a 6 month old baby now. which really wasn't a big shocker to me. She had ended up picking the wrong friends and I didn't want to go that way. She starting drinking {like her dad}, and smoking {diff. things}, and had a bf. She looked better now though {maybe because she couldn't really do any of that stuff as she was having the baby}.. I am so glad that I didn't went the same way, and that I kept going to church {even though I had no friends at church}. If I hadn't kept going to Church, then I wouldn't have gone to Maranatha, and I wouldn't have met Jolene {Who is my dearest and closest friend I've ever had}
I wanted to go to bed early last night, because I was tired. But John and I ended up talking about WWII and other History things until 1 am. It was good talking to him about that. He thought that the main reason why Hitler came into power was because of a teacher who didn't like his paintings, so he was kicked out. But the truth is that Hitler just didn't want to take the Final exams for his classes. O-wells..