Saturday, May 13, 2006

Sisters are a Blessing!!

A few days after I came back, Ruthanna, Joy, my Mom, and I went out shopping for new dresses {for Joy's wedding this summer}. I never thought we'd find one for Ruthanna and I to match that'll look good on us. But we did. The only thing I don't like about it, is that it is un-checkable. So I'll have to be creative and make it checkable, so I could wear it to a play or something when I am at school. Joy and I had a day where we just chatted away about God and other things. I loved it. She is gone now though. I had a blast the other day with Kaytie. She has this little crown thingy that she wears a whole lot and knew that Joy liked it. So the day that Joy left, my Mom went and hid the crown in a bin {where she could see it if she was looking}. Kaytie came home from school and started looking for it. of course she didn't see it, so she called Joy up and started asking her where the crown was and asking if she had it {or course she didn't}. so I grabed the crown and put it on {In front of her}. She was looking at me a few times and was looking at the crown too, but seem to not notice until she realized that i was laughing and looking at her the whole time. It was very funny.
Pets are fun too. I have black Shepard/ Lab dog. She is very smart and might sniff someone to death one day . She is getting old now though. It is very funny how she walks up the stairs though. most dogs use their front legs first, but not Shadow {my dog},she goes back legs then front legs then back legs then front legs. . Very funny I think.

Friends are such a Blessing. I do miss Ali loads, because she and I would talk alot. She is a huge blessing to me because she is willing to talk to me about God, and other things too. I need friends like that. She had showed me whats it like to have a good friend. I may not be beautiful outside, but inside I am beautiful, and Ali helped me to see a little-bit of it. What a blessing it was to see that Heidi put a comment in one of my post. She too is a Blessing to me the past weeks of School. Always have a smile on, even in Life of Christ class. Boy was that class hard for me. I never heard of many of those topic that Mr. Morris was talking about, or what was in the book. i studied and studied and didn't pass. Praise the Lord Mr. Morris was willing to give me a chance, and let me do extra credit. I did more on that extra Credit than I was expected too {about 6 paged more} . But I passed {not sure what I got in the class.} O-wells. Jolene was my 1st best friend that I've made on my own in college. She is alot like me, stubbern and silly. Without her, I am sure I would be on my own all the time. Praise the Lord we all can have friends and to be able to know people. It was so funny the other day when I was talking to my friend Stephen. You see, Boys have to stay on one topic. We were talking about life {like Marxism and Dawinism, etc}, He said something to the point where Life has no meaning. So I said something to the point of "If life has no meaning, then there would be no meaning to Christ dying on the cross for us." It is true. Stephen was so confused on how i came to that point. It is so sad though, knowing that I can't save his life. All I can do is be his friend. He is one of my best friends, but boy are we changing with each step we take.

"Foot prints of Jesus, that makes the pathway bright. We will fellow the steps of Jesus, where-ever they go." This song had impacted my heart today. I feel like I have fallen behind, and there is no way I can catch up. But Christ is always there with me, even when I have fallen way behind. He carries me when I can't walk anymore, and He lifts me up when I fall down. What a great God we have. Yet I know that I do not deserve anything {friends, family, a home, my life, etc.}. But Praise the Lord I can call Him my Savior. I once was a lost sheep, and my Shepard found me behind a rock, half-dead, and He healed me. He healed ME... a sinner... a sheep who have ran away.

Today I was able to help my grandpa out with his paper rout {sp}. Boy was I shoken wet from head to toes. John {one of the twins} came with me. Grandpa let him drive, SCAREY. Afterwards grandpa took me a parking lot that was mostly empty, and let me drive around a bit. I hit no curves and I even parked inbetween the lines. YEAHH!!!!.. Grandpa was so pleased about that. . I was going to get my permit, but it turns out I need to have my eyes checked again. Sadness. O-wells. So I might be able to have my permit after the wedding. I still haven't found a job . O-wells. There is a new week to try.


Heather said...

I love the pictures you used in this post!!

You made a comment that amazed me because it is truth, and many people never see it. Many, trying to fnd a deeper meaning (or no meaning) fail to catch the reality of the meaning of life.

"If life has no meaning, then there would be no meaning to Christ dying on the cross for us."

You nailed it, Dayna!

I'm praying or you. Stay close to God this summer.

2Crazzie4U said...

Thank you Heather. It is true that many people are blind and they don't look for a way to see again, even if there is a friend there showing them the way. It is hard, but God is faithful and Just to forgive them, just like He forgave us. Life is meaningless when one doesn't have Christ in their Hearts. Life has Meaning when one looks to Christ each day.