Anyways, Today as I was working on checking parts that Dallas made, I got thinking about God and how Great He is. The michine was running a bit faster than normal, and the tubs with the parts was coming out like crazzie. By the time I was done with one tub, Dallas was 1 3/4 tubs ahead of me. I think I would've been majoring fall behind if I didn't have the strength to keep going. I've been so weak, and God has been giving me the strength I need to keep going. What a Blessing it is to know that God is watching out for us all. As soon as this though came to me, Christy Galkin's song, "In my Weakness," came to my mind. It is so true.

"In my weakness, He is strong,
In my need, He leads me On,
When I come to the end
Of all that I am
And I place my trust in him
Thats when His strength begins
In my weakness"
Today it was majorly HOT inside, but as soon as we steped outside, it was nice and cool. God gave us each wind that blew, just so we were able to cool down, and to give us enough strength to keep moving.
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