Today is my Dad's birthday, He is 48 years old now. A friend of my dad at work didn't believe my dad when he told him that his birthday was today. We got off work at 12 am, which I was so happy about, and my phone started going off. I didn't understand why, because who in their right {maybe left} minds would call me at midnight?. When I looked at my phone, it told me that it was Dad's birthday. I forgot that I had set it to go off. "Happy Birthday Daddy," I said as soon as he jumped into the van. I was the 1st person to tell him that. Anyways, I have nothing to give to my dad for his birthday, I could never top off what Joy had given to Him for Father's day. Joy gave my dad a new son. A son that loves the Lord and loves Joy very much. Joy may not be 19082498732578% beautiful like you may see in show-business, but deep down inside she is more beautiful than any of them put together. Chris is very Blessed to have her in his life, and my dad is very blessed to have a daughter like Joy and a new son like Chris. But over all, just being ourselves is the best gift we can give to our Dad, even if we act like little monkies at times.

But there is no monkey buniess here, it is all serious. There is absolutly no fun that goes on, and no fights. We are just perfect angels, and no-one is scared of us because we have a normal family.
It's about time to say hello to our new life, and say good-bye to our old. The world doesn't go around us, it goes around the sun. It's funnie how we all go by what the clock says. Sometimes it is just great just sitting outside in the sun, and seeing how things change on it's own. The grass doesn't stay short, it grows. The Flowers doesn't stay hidden in the ground, it too also grows. Once upon a time it was just a little, tiny seed, and now it is a tree that is tall. It's great just seeing how it's not always sunny outside, or always night outside. The day changes each second, even if we notice it or not.
No matter how mad you get at someone, you still love them loads. Even if you think what they are doing is stupid or wrong. No matter how often I disliked Joy, for something she said or something she lectured me about, I love her so much and I am very proud that she is my sister. She is a keeper, even if she is 21 hours away from me. Chris is also a keeper in the family, and she is very Blessed to have met him.
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