There are many people i know that are having a birthday this month- it's CRAZZIE!!! Yesterday was my twin brother's birthday. They are now 18 years old, and so they had a video game party going on for a while. Then they went out with their friends to do something or another. My brother {my brother-in-law really} Chris is having a brithday in a few days... He truly is a blessing to me,, even tho i don't really talk to him much. But i don't really talk to Joy much either, so i know he doesn't get mad when i do end up talking to Joy at times. Also, it is my friend Dannie's birthday on his... That is way too cools! Just i haven't talked to her in a while... hummmmmmmmmms.. guess she will be shocked to hear from me :D I think Aunt Jodi's birthday is Aug...but i really can't remember :( But that is alright.
2 weeks it's one of my best friend's birthday. Jolene will be 21 on the 27th. I got her some wicked-crazzie- things for her birthday. Lets just say, she'll be a princess {haha}. This picture is like us!! Jolene is Pooh-Bear, I am Piglet, Ruthanna is Tigger, and I'm not sure who is Roo. {guess we can get Deanna to be Roo.}
I am excited about going to school and seeing my friends again. I haven't seen them in a long time, and do miss them loads {for surely Jolene}.. But i know i will miss my friends here- but i know that it'll be alright. Because wherever i am at, i know i will end up missing someone or another. I do miss people- but i make the best of wherever i am at. If i just think about who i miss, then how am i going to enjoy the person i am with {a friend, a family member, or whom-nots}

This morning, my grandpa came by to take me driving. He taught me how to park {like Juan did on Sat.} At first, grandpa was getting mad at me for the simplist things... but after a while, he soon realized that i was listening to him and that i am not bad at all. So in the end, he was proud of me. He took me over by Wal-Mart and had me park between two cars..over and over and over. It was good. I am not that bad when i can see where the car is at.. but when there isn't any cars in the lane- i'm not so straight... o-wells.
I saw this pic and thought it was ever so funnie.. i just hope that who-ever i marry won't want to do that with me. But, whomever i marry will have to be a good driver- otherwise..... i'll just kick his butt.. jk

I just now realized that Will and Christy Galkin has a new baby.. Awwwwws.. He is ever so cute. Lily is walking now, and William is looking ever so cute!! I am not sure who the one girl in the pants is... i know that can't be Anna-Grace {because Anna-Grace is only a year or two older than William, and he is only 6 or 7 now.
But I do love Will's preaching, and keep missing him. He was preaching at MBBC last year for the meetings..but i wasn't there :(.. then either it was this year or next year, he will be preaching at Faith Baptist Church.. and i'll be at school at the time. That is ever so sad.. But it's alright. I am sure he will be visiting MBBC. I was told that Christy has a new cd out- but i may be wrong about that.. That would be ever so awesome, and i will 100% be getting it. She is an awesome singer, and a great woman of God.

Here is one of my best friend from Faith Baptist Church.. She graduated and will be going to college this year {just not mbbc}.. But that is alright. {Kelly- her sis- is on the left and Tiffany- my friend- is on the right}. I made a card for Tiffany.. now i just need to get some Mintos and then give that to her. Why on earth would i give her Mintos? {so you ask}.. Well, In HS.. she would always have Mintos with her and would always give me one before service. So her mom started giving me Mintos here and there also.. Kinda cute!! Tiffany went over seas for a missions trip, and gave me a little box of Mintos from there.. ever so cools.

Sam and John are now Married... YEAHHHS.. They got married on Saturday. I wish i could've gone {i was invited, of course}.. but it's alright. I really can't wait to see pictures. I know i posted this pic of her before- but i love this pic. Because of the story behind it. What a great day that was {and it was before Becky was the Head-Leader in my group} Way too cools. Sam is still a blessing to me- even tho I haven't heard from her in a long time {and i am pretty bad with contacting people.. i haven't even called Jolene yet... but i shall be seeing both Jolene and Sam when I go back to school..yeahhhhz}. Praise the Lord! I have such good friends! I just know that I am going to have a great school year this year. I will get good grades from studying ever so hard, and i shall make new friends and see my old friends. I am just hoping to get my jobs back- School just wouldn't be the same anymore without them {loads of fun}.
I gave a speech at a Dinner Meal thing for my Church on Sunday.. And let me tell you- I WAS NERVOUS. I was so nervous that i was shaking. I wasn't that bad when i was giving my speeches for my speech class.. But after i got started, things started to flow.. I happened to have said that their kids were brats.. and the funnie thing about that is that it wasn't even on my speech.. hahaha. But they sure did laughed at that. I forgot to bring my money- so i made them a special card and will be giving it to them when i see them next {tomorrow or Sunday}. But over all- it went very well {a bit long, but it was good} I kinda forgot my camera :(... so i will have to wait to get some from Esther. There was this guy going around with a camera and had us say something for the pastor.... He came up to me and i was lost... so i just said "HOLLA".. and smiled... HAHAHAHA... but i am sure they will get a kick outta that. Well- thats that! PEACE OUTZ {or INZ if ya really wanted to.. haha}