For those who knows me, know that i am a hugable person- but i don't force a hug out of people. If they wanna hug, i always have open arms. I guess, i am just so use to of not being huged that it just doesn't bother me if i don't get any hugs- even during a hard time. But i know that even though i don't have anyone hugging me when i need one- I have God's special hugs.
Granted, there was one time i needed a hug, i went looking for someone who i knew that wouldn't mind giving me a hug. My old PC..Katy S... What a blessing it was. Hugs are a blessing! From a family member, or from a dear friend. But mainly, it is a huge blessing to receive so many hugs from God.
Okies, these past few days it has been mega mega cold outside, but i know it shall be getting colder soon because it is winter and this is Michigan! But i never heard the expression of "Cold as Hell" before. Someone at work was saying that, and it got a few of us thinking.. How could it be cold as Hell if Hell is a hot place!?! Humm.. Then it hit me, It may be mega Hot in Hell, but i am sure the "hearts" of those that are there are cold.. too cold that it fell out- so now they have no hearts and no life. ROFLOL!
Anyways, I love snow- just not the coldness that comes with it. It snowed the other day- but not enough to have stayed or enough to have stick to the ground. Snow is very beautiful when it first comes down and before people walked over it. I love how it glitters and shine. It's like it's reminding us that our sinful hearts are washed away and are cleaned out- but we step in it and mess it up- but a new snow fall comes and it is cleaned out again. We have to keep asking for forgiveness- once we stop asking, we fall further and further. We also have to keep forgiving others. People do stupid things, and they may keep doing so over and over and over. But you have to keep forgiving them- even tho you don't want to. If you keep forgiving, then you can stop hating them and love them. This i know for a fact. I have had so much bitter and hate against my dad for many years- but once i kept forgiving him, the more i started to not hate him anymore. Granted, i dont' like what he is doing or understand why he keeps doing it if he knows it's not right. He is my dad no matter what -even if i don't claim him to be my dad, he still is my dad. Confussing i know- but thats life.
I guess that is why i enjoy hugs so much- because it lets me know that there are people who love me--for me. But what a better way to let someone know you love them, as a friend or as a loved one or as someone you care for, than a hug? You need a hug? You want a hug? You wanna give a hug? Well, if i am around, you can always hug me. you can hug me because you love me, because you care for me, because i am your friend, because i am your sister, because i am there, because i am always open, or because you feel like it.
Ever wish ya crazzie life can be normal? Or maybe wish ya normal life could be crazzie? Well, never fear- ya normal or crazzie life can be changed around--just do what your not doing. jk. Anyways, Life is just plan out crazzie, maybe life is just too crazzie that it is just too normal to be crazzie but yet to crazzie to be normal. Am i conffusing you? Hope so- because i like to do that to people at time. Just a Crazzie life being oneself! You ever just want to go crazzie just for the fun of it? Well, not doing anything bad- but just beign crazzie!!
Almost like Jolene and I being crazzie! We try to pull each other socks off- just for the fun of it. We don't make it easy on each other, and we always push each other just to get to their feet.. GERAT TIMES!! TPing Laura's car {Gould Dorm Sup- during our Freshmen year}, that was a blast. We weren't allowed to use the school's supply of TP, so I got some and we just went crazzie TPing her car as she was in the Dorm getting ready for church.
Okie, so you are reading this, and wonder why on earth am i writing this post when i wrote a long one yesterday, well you tell you the truth, I just need to talk- but i have noone to talk to right now. everyone is either sleeping, sleeping, or sleeping. So i am just writing on here. Sometimes i just need to talk- even if it's nothing special. That is why, when i was in Middle-school, I got into chatrooms. In Highschool i got into scrapbooking, writing letters to Penpals from different countries or states. I was the type of person that didn't have many friends. I had my school friends {that i saw at school}, and my one Church friend {who ended up moving}- sure i found people to talk to, but they didn't really want to be around me much {i am use to of that really}.
Ever get tired of people complaining? Ever heard of someone complain about those that complain? Well, now you are! I hate listining to people complain about this or that. "I work too much doing...this....that...this...that.. more this...more that.......", "1st shift don't do anything.......", "Steve this..Steve that...", etc....... Why can't we just get along and work as a team- and just not complain about it? Wowsie.. stupid i say.. STUPID!!!
It is going to be okie, because we are all the same in some ways.. Like we are all nerds in someway.. one is too smart, one is too wise, one is too good, etc..... there is something- but what is it? well, it'll come out someway.
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