I am thinking about getting a hair cut. So I went looking at picture off the internet to see what kind of hair cut I want.. and i saw this one.. I love how her back was cut- but I'll do something different to the front.The length is perfect- not too short yet not too long. I do know that I want it to be cut layered. What you think? I think it looks kinda nifty.
Anyways, hope things are going alright with you! Things here are going kinda alright. Grandpa H. is out of the hospital now. So that is good ah? But he is still in alot of pain from what I know of.
Ok, so yesterday at work {Wednesday}- I worked on my normal job- and things was alright, just got started way later than normal {I do 1st piece teardowns for a few other parts.. but yesterday the gage thingy i check the parts was broken, and so was the other one- which needed about 3478458974 people on it just to work- and ended up waiting for the guys to fix the broken gage thingy..}.. As i was doing my teardowns {when i was able to do them- an hour later}...Esther started screaming- so i turned around {cause she was just right there behind me working on a part}, and i saw smoke flying up... her hair had caught on fire {usually she is wearing a wig or a hat- but some odd reason she didn't that day.} .. Harry {the boss} came over and talked with her.. she was all shooken up and crying.. Later on that day {about 1/2 hour before we were to start cleaning up} her hair caught on fire again {from working on a michine that flew out sparks- but she also had something in her hair that might've been flamable.} Harry had saw it start on fire the 2nd time and put it out. But that is a bit scarey that it happened to her- not one time but two time on the same day.

Work went well- went by pretty slowly at first- but after doing 23 boxes, i started to wake up a bit {and that was about 7 boxes before i was done with work.. so about an hour before going home..} I went to see if Esther needed any help {they had her put some parts into boxes- can't be on fire by doing that.-- but she is the only one who can say that she's been Fired and is still alive and working..} Anyways- after coming home and watching my Everwood and a health thing with my mom- i came online and looked at some layouts... I love this butterfly one and only wish i can have it on my blog thingy. Althought it is half naked , it looks mega awesome and it is clean and colourful.
As i was working and half sleeping, my thought went to a sermon i listened too- i think it was this past Sunday. But the guy talked about having a relationship with Christ and how one can Know things about God but not KNOW God.. and so i got to thinking about my relationship with Christ- and to tell you the truth, it really hasn't been all that great these past many months. Verses went flying into my head and i just had to start praying.. So as i worked, i started praying. When i was done- i felt this peace {only for a few seconds}, but i knew right then that things are going to be alright and that all i need to do is to just keep trusting Him and going to Him- talking to Him and listening to what He has to say {reading the Bible}.
Esther had invited me to her church this coming Sunday- so i will be going to her church for a day... I can't wait. I am alittle nervous- because it is an all black church- and i am not sure how things will go out.. but i think it'll be a blast and encouraging and refreshing and a blessing and a change. Soemthing new like this won't hurt me.. maybe it'll help strengeth me. I dunnos- we'll just have to wait and see.. So i gave her my address and directions... but she told me that she can't see it.. so i took the pen and wrote my address mega big-- so she can have it off in the back seat and still see it..

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