"Lord, as I seek Your quid-ance for the day.
I find my thoughts un-yield-ing;
con-fu-sions crowds my way.
But then when I bow to You,
the chal-leng-es You guide me through;
Your prom-is-es are ever new,
I claim them for to-day.
Your will can-not lead me
where Your grace will not keep me.
Your hand will pro-tect me.
I rest in Your care.
Your eyes will watch o-ver me,
Your love will for-give me.
And when I am fal-ter-ing,
I still will find You there."
This song had been on my mind for the week now. At work, the VIP peoples took our music away- but they never said that we can't bring in song books and sing as we work. So, I broung my song book with me, and sang songs i knew from it. This was one of the songs I just had to repeat over and over and over. I am sure that Esther was getting tired of hearing this song over and over- but i didn't care. The first time I heard this song was at school my freshmen year. This song has to be one of my favorites. It tells about how we are sinnful- thinking things we shouldn't, and we end up beign blind to what is made simple for us. But once we bow down to Christ and ask for forgiveness, He forgives us and loves us. He won't take us anywhere that His grace isn't- but He'll take us places where there is grace and much love..all we have to do, is follow Him. He watches over us and protects us and loves us. No matter where we are, He is there.
I was able to go back to Esther's church today. It wasn't like it was last week- they mainly just fellowshiped with each other. Esther's church was visiting other churches today.. I think there was about 3 different churches there. It was so nifty to see how much they all hug people- even if they don't even know you. But it was cool meeting poeple. There was two kids at the ages of 12 and 13 {yeah, they were taller than I was}, but they kind like the fact that i was short. So i talked with them before they left. Then Esther and I went downstairs and waited for her sister, so we talked a bit. I enjoy our little chats. I miss talking to people- so whenever i get the chance to talk to someone, i'll take it.

But what a blessing it is to know that I was there for someone without even knowing i was there for them. She told me that she loved my idea of Devos that one time i did them for the room. For those who don't know, which would be many of you, My PC {Liz} had thought it would be so cool to have each one of us take a devo day and teach something- instead of just her. So, Camille did hers, then I somehow missed out on Mel's, but when it was my turn- I had my scrapbooking things out in the middle of the floor- and my Bible too. And i told them about Thankgiving- Verses in the Bible were saying to have a Thankful heart- and to be thankful, givng thanks. So I had them make a thank you card for someone they know- family, friends, church member- someone they don't even know but to thank them for smiling or something. {well, i kinda wanted to see how creative they really are, because they kept telling me that they wished they were creative like i was. But i knew they were creative too- deep down.} So, we did that- and had a blast. They asked me for ideas, and I saw their Ideas and ended up stealing them for later uses. {which is still inside me head.}
Yesterday, my dad took us all to the caroprator {sp}. As the other fams was getting their fixing- i watched a lil video and was asked many questions and tooken my X-rays. I think we are going back on Monday- so i might get my fixings too.. which will be nice. I heard that it does help alot- and to tell you the truth, I am in loads of pain at times. My lower back, my upper back, my neck, and my shoulders. My lower back started to hurt me that one summer i jumped off a clift {no i wasn't trying to kill myself}. At NBBC Camp, a group of us went on a 5 mile bike ride {which came close to killing me- because we weren't only on smooth roads, we were also on grass and even dirt --that was hard to ride the bike in- cause lucky me, i was the one who would get stuck and traped and just can't move}, we went to the Waterfalls- there was a small one that we went to first. The guys went sliding down it, and i just walked in the shallow area. Then we walked up to the 20 ft Waterfall. The group climb up on a huge rock that was just above the waterfall and would jump then land in the water. I saw about 20 jumps before i thought it would be fun to try. So i did- but instead of only landing in the water area, my back had hit the rocks. My wind was just knocked out of me for a bit- but it was kinda scarey to think that if i went striaght down, then i would've hit the waterarea or just the rock area with my feet and might've done worst damages. I dunnos... i just knew it was fun tho- but I wouldn't want to ride a bike to there again and try it again- even tho i wouldn't mind doing it again, i just know i wouldn't be able to. Anyways, after that caroprator{sp} thing, we went looking at some cars {just looking}, then we went out to eat. I was shocked, because i thought dad wouldn't want to spend time with us- thought he wanted to get back home in a hurry to be online. But we went to Vern-Hannes- and I saw Caitlyn there {a girl i grew up with at church.. we never hit it off as friends, but we did get along with each other very well when we both went on a college trip many years ago} But it was good to have seen her nevertheless.
1 comment:
Will be back to read tomorrow. Too late for tonight. Thanks for the visit today. Do you want me to list your for Fun Monday #3? It's a great way to meet new blogging freinds.
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