One simple flower can make one simple person happy. And One simple person can change a life.
Today I went to church with a friend from work. Esther came to pick me up, and then we were off to go to church. Her daughter was very quiet- but i can understand that. To tell you the turth- I was the only white person there. I was that one colour being shone in a black-n-white picture.
When we got there, there was singing going on. They sang songs for 2 hours- but it was very good. I got into it, and kinda sang some of the songs- even tho i didn't even know them. Then there was 1 1/2 hour of preaching. The guy preached on "The Word", John 1:1 and Gen 1-3. I sat there looking around me- as if i was lost in a haystock-and notice that we are all related. We are all one- even though we are different color, growing up differently, be rich or not..etc.. I was never races against anyone {in fact, my 1st boyfriend was black.} but it was just strange to be the only white one there. There are so many people who are against one another- but we are all the same. We are all one flower- but it is up to us to be that one person that changes one life. I think i did a 180 dregrees turnaround and saw a light that wasn't on before.
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