Ever wonder what it would be like to drive on the other-side of the road? I often wonder this. I think it would be very strange just to get into the passenger side and find that you will be the one driving. But at the same time, I think it will be very exciting, because it is something new. A friend of mine told me that if I really wanted to drive on the other side of the road, I should live in that country for a few years before trying to drive. I do often wonder if people over seas wonder what it would be like to be on the other side of the road too! Which way is the right way? Which way is best for you? You see, driving can be fun and exciting, yet scarey at the same time. But once you are able to drive on the other side, things are different.
Have you every felt like you were on your own? I feel like this many time, but deep down I know for a fact that I am not alone at all. I am 100% on my own paying for school, and I am on my own to make good friends. But the tuffest thing I've been on my own for, is being the only Christian at a work-place. I am finding it hard to interact with the guys. {I am one of two girls there, but the other girl likes to be on her own and doesn't want to sit outside in the cool air.} The guys love talking about what they did over the weekend, or make fun over each other. I can handle the smoke {I grew up in a house where my parents smoke}, but I can't stand all the swearig that goes on. I am the only one who doesn't listen to rap or rock-n-roll {I have my own Rock to listen to, and that is God's music}, and I am the only one who doesn't smoke, drink or swear. Now I don't mind if they all think I am crazzie, for it is a great way to show them the love of my Father, but I can't stand it when they don't want to listen to what I have to say. I guess you can't win them all.
It hurts to hear when people you know, or those who you kinda know, ends up died. A car-crash, or some other reasonings. But each time, I go to God and pray that He could use me in a way to help others. I sometimes wonder what it'll be like to get hurt or die for someone. I'll be willing to die in a car-crash if it means someone coming to know the Lord, but it is kinda scarey just knowing that you wouldn't know what'll happen for sure. Noone could come to know the Lord, but maybe it can help someone open their eyes or something. I know for a fact that I am going to Heaven, but deep down I know that I shouldn't be able to at all. I am such a sinner, and I don't deserve to even be here on earth. I am loved very much by my Father, and what stinks a lot is that I don't show Him the same amount of love back. I fall, and I trip over steps, but He is always there to help me get back up. What a blessing to know that a Wise man falleth 7 times and each time he gets back up, and God never stoped loving him. He does that with me too, even though I had fallen a million times already.
Ever thought of growing up? Each year seems like you havn't grown at all, but others have noticed. Today is my twin brother's birthday, they are 17 now. I can't believe how grown up they are getting. They still have alot to go, but it is all in God's timing. Last night, Greg {the oldest of the twins} came into my room and we ended up talking for a few hours. What a blessing it was to get to talk to him. He isn't a little boy anymore, although, I can still call him my little brother {No matter how much taller he gets from me} . I tooked the boys to a store and had them pick something out for their gift. They both wanted a Cd and a Cd-player, so payed for the cds and one of the cd-player {dad payed for the other cd-player}. What a blessing it was to be able to do that for them.
I also grabed a few wedding scrapbooking things for my sister's scrapbook. So I added them into the book, and it looks great. Then I realized that I forgot to add a page for Chris's parents. I was going to do that before they get here, but it is kinda sad that I forgot to do that page. O-wells. I'll do it this week.
Joy is coming next weekend. I can't wait. I miss her loads, and I also miss my friend Ruthanna loads. Jolene is going to be so happy when Ruthanna drops off her pillow and blanket {which we took from Jo when we droped her off at the airport--suitcase was too heavy.}. Why is she going to be so happy you ask, Well!!! let me tell you........................... itsn't that going to be awesome? And she wouldn't know it was coming. It'll hit her left and right {ok, not really}. But she is getting a little something from me, well... at least a card {or three}. It is kinda sad that I am not going to be there for her 20th birthday. No birthday hug for her this yr. O-wells. She'll have to deal with it. But over all, she'll like the card {or three}.
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