I got into Scrapbooking when I was in Middle School. I was always on my own and didn't really do much outside. Never really had many friends close to me to be able to do things. So, one day I did a Scrapbook. It wasn't all that great, but it was ok. I used whatever i had laying around- cryans or stamps.. etc. A year later, I took that book apart and redid it. I did better than I thought i would. Years later, people found out that I was into scrapbooking or card-making, so they would give me things {like paper or whatnots}. And now, i don't know what to do with things at times.. I use to be able to use a huge desk to do my work- but now, i just have a lil space. But I don't really need a huge space in order to do a great job. If you don't believe that my job is good- just ask Joy.. I did her Wedding book for her. I had a blast, and I would love to make more--for anyone! Joy tells me I should go into a business for that, but i am not sure how to go abouts it. O-wells!!
After a huge branch fell onto the house and went through my lil sister {Kaytie} and my room, we took everything out of the room and moved it into my older sister's room. Then after the guys came and fixed the wall, Kaytie and I painted the room {well, she and the twins mainly did it because i had to work at my job.} We painted it purple with a light blue "spounged" onto it. Well, it looks more like a mess than anything else. So Kaytie has her own room, finally!.. and I.. well, i am just all over the place. My things are in Joy's old room {also with many boxes and stuff and junk and whatnots--not shown in pics because of how messy it is..} I love to read and enjoy reading whenever i can. If I am not reading, then i am writing or blogging or chatting or working or sleeping. Not too hard to find me . I find that using jars or shoe-boxes can come into use for many things. Tho it looks like i have food there on the 2nd shelf.. it is not food.. It is indeed where i keep my quarters {a good use for when i am at school... laundry isn't cheap..} I know- it looks like a mess.. and it pretty much is.. But i know where things are..if not, it's around in that small area .. Gotta make-do with what ya got.
Well, there's my scrapbooking side of me!! Hope it doesn't scare ya... Work-- it's going alright. I work on the same job over and over and do get tired of it. But- I know that it's not my life-time job.. i think i want to die before having that job forever... But the plus side of working- is that i get to talk to Esther during our breaks. She is such a blessing and is funnie. Like today, She asked me for my phone to call her man because she left her phone at home. After she called him and left a loving message {with me in the background saying "See YA" as she was hanging up}, she went to move her sweater and found that her phone was in the pocket.. LOL. So, now i have her man's number..... Nah, i won't do anything.. If i knew him, then i might give him a buzz and say "Hey, whats up!!?!".. But i dont' know him..only met the man one time and he was sitting on the other side of the room at the time too.. O-wells. Yeah- if you don't know me, ya soon find that my title fits me very well..2Crazzie4u...